6x12 Pictured

6x12 Pictured
CLICK HERE: To Request Quote Including Delivery From Our Location To Yours
Sizes |
Number |
Number |
Building |
Available |
Price |
of Birds |
of Nests |
Space |
6x9 |
$3,920.00 |
18-24 |
8 |
6x9 |
6x12 |
$4,255.00 |
24-36 |
10 |
6x12 |
6x15 |
$4,610.00 |
36-48 |
10 |
6x15 |
6x18 |
$4,950.00 |
48-54 |
10 |
6x18 |
6x20 |
$5,295.00 |
50-60 |
12 |
6x20 |
6x24 |
$6,000.00 |
60-70 |
12 |
6x24 |
8x9 |
$4,260.00 |
24-36 |
8 |
8x9 |
8x12 |
$4,750.00 |
36-48 |
10 |
8x12 |
8x15 |
$5,100.00 |
50-60 |
10 |
8x15 |
8x18 |
$5,060.00 |
60-70 |
10 |
8x18 |
8x20 |
$5,640.00 |
70-80 |
12 |
8x20 |
8x24 |
$6,325.00 |
80-90 |
12 |
8x24 |
10x12 |
$6,150.00 |
60-70 |
10 |
10x12 |
10x15 |
$6,500.00 |
80-90 |
12 |
10x15 |
10x18 |
$6,830.00 |
90-100 |
16 |
10x18 |
10x20 |
$7,180.00 |
100-110 |
16 |
10x20 |
10x24 |
$7,870.00 |
120-130 |
16 |
10x24 |
Features Included:
- Outside Collection Doors
- Insulated roof
- Handmade Octagon Roosts
- Windows With Predator Resistant Screens
- Skylight in front wall for Natural Light
- Large walk door into building
- Small Poultry Entrance Door
- All Exposed Lumber Is MCQ Treated
- Dirt Floor
- Supplied with our Handmade Hanging Wooden Feeder
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